Thursday, May 13, 2010

away from the path.

owh. now this is the end of the new beginning of this suck life. nothing less like my guess. ok. whether i like or not. need 2 go through it. like a movies " wait for the ending".

9/5. time 12.30 am - 10.30 pm.

just finish another crappy final. yeah. like other sem. never done it. haha. yeah. dat me. ok. there is another mission to accomplish before returnin to south of m,sia. meet her. maybe for last time. suicide mission. :x get out from that goddamn hall, n go straight to meet her. but she never make it as us promise. ok. call her now!. n i make it to meet her. but she look in pain. lantak la. xnk amek port. hal pompuan. die. ok. sembang pnyer sembang,tbe saat yg d nnti. my mouth without my control automatically say that thing. damn. now her face change so horror like. im wait for the answer. and like my guess. still no. the suddenly i feel something no right inside of me. shit. pls. " dont say that im cryin inside?" hahaha. ok. for sure my heart now have tear a part. for first time ever, i feel like this way. cam sial sedih die. xpenah ak bla ble jmper org without say a thing. tp kali ni ak cam org xde sense. too sad. too love to lose it. but. like she said before " jgn harap ah pejal". yeah. she prove it now. i admit it. u so strong in this game. yeah. then. i just return back her pic,coz i know how she love that pic. then. nk di pendek kan ctre sedih ni lg. ak troskn perjalanan menuju ke selatan. dengan segala rasa yg bercampor baur.

sampai sne pakli amek ak. then c azri nga tgu kt port die keje. well guy,very hope u guy can make me calm tonite. as promises. meet them. they having a small piece of laugh( tp diorg gelak cam lahnat,ak jer cam gampang xleh nk senym pon). i still miss her. so much.

10/5. all day long.

xtau nk wat mender. ati nga pedih2 kebas lg neh. mner la korg neh. ok. then they come to me and take to the place that im waitg for. nice guy. hahaha. let have fun like old time. yeah.

11/5. morning buzz.

ok. tb2 pg2 bute neh org tua kol. soh msok keje. fuck. last night u said no vacant. shit. im not in da mud ah. but as fren, im still go. what will he said if not. ok. but im really damn tired. sad. frust. owh god. first day at work now. as slave. yeah. very nice. feel like wanna kill someone now. pls come and die for me now. adfdsfasdfasdfasdfaf.

12/5. midnight.

"danga jom?" hahaha. fun beb. offer from someone who know i need it now. hahaha. ok. after done my job, berlari2 anak lah kami menuju ke arah ford ranger yg menanti. hahaa. lets go. hahaha. drive on the highway on this midnight, smokin, listen u guy mencarot,maki2 sama sendiri mmg heaven. leh ak kendurkan seketika ketegangan neh. suddenly, at 140km/h speed the wierd sound came from the engine. near senai utara exit. the car still moving but too slow from the right lane,hoping can that we can get to reach emergency lane. then, my fren shouting. sial. mati ah kte. treller!!! damn. ak nmpk dari sight mirror camne die brake. so close to kiss us bye2 into the grave! what a nightmare. seko2 muke pucat! ak lagi lah. tambah 1 lg nsb mlg utk mgu neh. klu la xkerana nga turun bukit, mst ktorg da 1 kuboor! hidop n mati ber sama doe. hahaha.( sial mende seyes wat men). ok.

ok. still wait for other day. hope more brighter than the others night. n im still like an statue. have no feel inside. yeah. thinking of you.

p/s: mybe better if the treler manage to hit us.die that night mybe the answer for me. the clear one. no need to feel this way. too painful. yeah. power of love.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day Now On * devide

i'm sori 4 being annoying. i'm just miss u n want to be close to you. when 9/5 arrive. i will go.